The SELPA Advisory Committee is given authority by the Superintendents' Council to implement special education policies and procedures in Sonoma County. The Advisory Committee's voting members represent eight areas of Sonoma County. The Advisory Committee meetings are typically held the third Friday of the month, from 8:30-11:30 a.m., at the Sonoma County Office of Education: 5340 Skylane Blvd, Santa Rosa CA 95403. The SELPA Director chairs the meetings. Meeting dates and times are subject to change. Please contact the SELPA office for more information.
The Advisory Committee's duties include:
- Provide information and recommendations for the development, modification and implementation of the Local Plan to the Superintendents' Council.
- Develop and implement procedures for the identification, referral, assessment, IEP development and placement of individuals with disabilities as established by the Local Plan.
- Develop forms, procedures and recommendations for programs and services for review, modification and approval by the Superintendents' Council.
- Develop an annual budget for SELPA operations, including Regionalized Services and Program Specialist allocations for review, modification and approval by the Superintendents' Council.
- Develop in-service/staff development programs, including parent education activities, for review, modification and approval by the Superintendents' Council.
- Provide recommendations for membership for the Community Advisory Committee.
- Develop the Annual Service Plan for approval by the Superintendents' Council.
Click Button Below for Agendas and Minutes